Day One in Alcatraz

November 9, 2009

There has been a huge mistake.

Sonia put me in the WRONG CAR after our walk with all the other Little Paws rescue dogs and I have ended up imprisoned by homicidal maniacs, who bare their teeth at me constantly  and watch me like hawks, waiting to pounce. There is another dog here. She seems totally unaware of the danger we are in (perhaps drugged or brainwashed?). The only thing from Sonia’s house was my crate and that provides no relief from the constant psychological and physical torture. After dinner (which I did eat in a hurry [they are wily enough to feed us lovely raw meat, these  creatures <and I was sooo hungry>]), one of them came with the leash, and well I WANTED to, because that was what Sonia did before a walk and I really needed to pee, but I JUST COULDN’T let them come that close to me and when one of them made a grab for my collar THAT WAS IT. I headed into the crate, but of course was unable to close the door behind me.

So then there was a big unpleasantness. I lost it. She should have BACKED OFF when I showed all my teeth. And those gardening gloves were scary. So I did bite her and I thought I would die, but clearly I am still here. It is all a bit blurry. I remember lots of scrabbling and snapping and I heard some very bad words, words that Sonia only said that one time early on (let’s not go into it). Blackness descended for a while, but then, there was a walk.

It was dark so I couldn’t watch out for monsters too well which was worrying but at least I got to PEE. After all that, frankly, I was exhausted. When we got back to the prison, I noticed a rather comfy bed in front of the fire, and climbed into it and shut my eyes. Just for a second….

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