Home for the Holidays

December 15, 2009



Oh my goodness……

I didn’t recognize her at first. But then there she was!

And I had had such a bad feeling all the way in the car (HATE).

I knew there was something up – we dogs can tell pretty well what you stupids are thinking, like I always know when someone comes up with that fake smile right? I don’t have to see the stick behind your back. Not that the stupids had sticks during that car ride but I knew there was something going on.  And that usually means something really bad for me – injections, or smacks, or going in the cage, or my puppies being taken away.

So I whined quite a bit in the car, which is a new thing. Before I would keep my muzzle firmly SHUT!

When we got there, I recognized some of the Little Paws Rescue ladies with about six dogs each and also some of the dogs – Panda and Poncho, and George and Penny – and I was so busy catching up with them that I didn’t really pay attention to all the big stupids up there. But just as I was finding out about Sally (she’s gone top a really nice home) and telling them a bit about my situation (the meat and the running and the no crate) then I heard a voice say “Izzy”….

…it was Sonia…the best foster mom a dog could ever have…..

I have never wriggled so hard and done so much kissing.

I am staying with her for Christmas apparently – the stupids are off away somewhere where I am not allowed.

But oh my…

do I want them to come back for me?

At one time it was all I wanted – to escape out of there and run run run back to Sonia, but in the few days I’ve been here I’ve been remembering the beach, and the dancing in the mornings, and having my own bowl, and going to agility, and Bella, and even them…they are kind of innocent…who will protect them from all those bad dogs we meet? Bella is clueless about running up and biting them….

And I overheard them talking about how I am getting a made-to-measure coat…..

This is all very confusing….

Is it really really crass of me to want the coat? And a proper home with my own bowl? What about Sonia?

What if she cries?


December 3, 2009

Talking to Lucy has made me realize that we rescues need to stick together – dogs, cats, pigeons, whatever – RESCUPOWER!!

Here is Poncho, who is a rescue dog from Little Paws Rescue. He wants to say hello. And the next one is Bella being silly on the beach.


So, please, just write in with your stories, and I will publish them right here on my blog. Below is an update from dear little Lucy, with some more information about how she got ahold of her current stupid.

Meanwhile, I have big news.

Hold onto your socks girls – I have my own hairdresser!

Yes. It was a day at the spa for Bella and Izzy!!! Surprisingly, I did not feel the need to bite anyone or even snarl, even though I was being touched all over. I don’t know why it was, quite, but the young girl was what one might call No Nonsense (kind, but No Nonsense).

After the initial outrage, that shampoo felt quite nice, and the massaging. Bella and I were a little bit shivery in the crate at first and I didn’t like the vacuum cleanery hot air thingypointing through the door at me and growling, but at least it was warm. And then when I came out and stood on the table, there were scissors clicketty clicking, and my feet being touched (HATE) – but then (and this is embarrassing) I have been experiencing what I will call a BATHROOM SITUATION. It happens to us little pooches with extensive hair back there. I won’t go into details here, but well, I was BACKED UP, you might say. There was a CLOGGLE. And suddenly, before I cold say poo, ever so gently with a snipetty snip, hey presto it was GONE!

I cannot tell you the relief.

Bella had a bath too and I got to laugh at her when she was having her bottie shaved. HAHA! She made a face like a frog.

I think exercise is making me more relaxed. I am learning about RUNNING. I only knew trotting before (never being off the leash much). But now we are going to the beach every day, and Claire lets me off the leash and Bella and I run and run and run and run. I sniff too (the beach is pleasantly stinky – scent of the day yesterday was dead seagull). I have discovered that I can run very fast. I have discovered that seagulls are afraid of me (DON’T MESS WITH IZZY!!) .

And another interesting thing – sometimes when I am on a very important mission, such as smelling, or chasing seagulls, or taking off to eat half someone’s nose for looking at me funny (happens all the time) Claire will shout IZZY NO! in a big deep voice. And I stop. Why is that? All I get when I come back is a miserable little treat, and if I kept going, it would be FREEDOM…

so why is that?

Perhaps you can help me puzzle this one out. Meanwhile, here’s the promised update from dear little Lucy.

Hi Izzy,
My full name is “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” Apparently Mom liked a song written by four long-haired bugs or something. It is good though because when she gets done yelling, “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds stop that this instant!” I have already become bored and moved on to some other destruction.
I never get to go outside but it looks really dirty and wet from where I sit, so I am happy here on my ermine throne with my gold collar and crystal bowl. Visitors tell Mom that I am spoiled but Mom knows that she wouldn’t get out of bed some mornings if I wasn’t staring down at her.
bow-wow for now,
Lucy (for short).