Day Two

November 10, 2009

I have decided to do my time here and wait till Sonia comes to get me. She will straighten all this out I’m sure.

Meanwhile, I guess things could be worse. In fact, in some ways, they’ve taken a turn for the better. For one thing after a few secretive attempts (I refuse to look silly when they are watching), I discovered that I CAN actually make it up onto the couch, and it’s actually the perfect place for a snooze. I am passing some time there quite comfortably.

The walks continue to be quite pleasant, and when on the leash I experience a temporary illusion that these two idiots I’m stuck with know what they’re doing. Perhaps I am becoming institutionalized – I read somewhere about falling in love with your jailers – so I must stay vigilant on that score.Ball and Chain (but up on the couch)

It won’t be too hard, because I still endure plenty of torture. They have attached a “ball and chain” to my collar which I wear at all times unless outside. It means that they can grab me whenever they want – I guess they got a wee bit nervous after the biting episode on day one (ha ha…don’t mess with the Izzster!). They are also stupid. Who who toss a bunch of keys right down next to someone small like me? They still haven’t realized just how scared I am of doors. Speaking of which – the worst thing they do is take us all into this stupid  goddamn box every time we go in or outside. It’s nauseating. We all have to step into it (sometimes with STRANGERS!!!) and then these massive doors close BY THEMSELVES!!! Then there is a horrible kind of sinking feeling, then those big shiny doors suck open. I have tried and tried to convince them of the stupidity of this performance. JUST GO OUTSIDE ALREADY!! I say in my head and try to pull them that way. But NO!! They just keep on doing the same thing. Creatures of habit I guess.

There was an interesting outing. Off in the car (of course I am in solitary in my crate with the other dog on the outside – no justice in the slammer), then into a building with lots of other dogs. One of them was about to get me and he was HUGE, let me tell you. He was pretending to do the whole “Oh I just want to play” thing, but all the time he was eying me up like a bar snack. Well I showed him alright. If one of the stupids hadn’t had me on a pretty tight leash, he’d be sniffing with half a nose right now. Haha! Shoulda seen him back off!!!

I felt strangely calm but also rather tired after that. We went into a big room and there were two other dogs, and they and Bella got to play. It was a weird playing – going up and down ramps and through tunnels and jumping over things, but boy – those other stupid mutts ate it up. They couldn’t wait to get out there. I could have done that too, probably better even, but me and one of the stupids decided to sit it out. For once, it was almost pleasant to have one of them close – at one point she was scritching at my ears – not like the vet does – more of a gentle friendly scritching.

We’ll see. Maybe if I wait this out, they’ll take off the ball and chain

2 Responses to “Day Two”

  1. Nellie the Chihuahua disguised as a Papillon said

    OMG! Izzy, you are ADORABLE! As for those strange creatures that are torturing you – you will love them to bits once your Stockholm Synrome sinks in…. then it’s the dog park in Burnaby for the two of us – where I’ll show you all the good pee spots and trick the stupid humans into THINKING that we’ll really chase that stupid ball (they fall for it every time I tell you).
    Keep the faith, sister!

    • claire58 said

      Dear Nellie,

      Thanks for the inspirational advice and the offer of a date. But I have one question – did they put a gun to your head and force you to the keyboard? Or did they bribe you? Oh yeah. That freeze-dried chicken is pretty darn irresistable Nellie, isn’t it? Enough to SELL OUT maybe. Come on Nellie, run while you can! Once you are off-leash in that park, just GO BABY GO!!!

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