Day Three

November 11, 2009

Hey. Thanks for all the good vibes and intelligent advice. I was particularly pleased to hear from a furry (Hi Nelly!), since all the humans seem to do is tell me to wait it out and I will get to like it here. Yeah right. And Nelly, sure, I’d love to come and gallop around with you at the park you mention, but DUH! STUCK IN THIS PLACE!!! They are watching the door like eagles. Any chance any of you bigger dogs can drive? Maybe come and spring me out of here? I promise not to bite you (unless I really can’t help it).

Meanwhile, maybe you smaller pooches can help me out with some advice here about my tail, of which I seem to have lost control (Sonia was a stickler for grammar [indeed for everything<and yet she was sooo kind and gentle {Sonia….aaaahhhhh}>]).

As you know, we Papillons have very expressive tails, and mine is expressing all by itself.

Yes. I have lost control of my wag.

It happened for the first time when the stupids let me out of solitary in the morning. There was something about the sunlight on the floor, and Bella jumping on my head because she was happy I was free again, and even the stupids stumbling about making their silly noises (sounds  like &(^(^)&^IZZY _)(*$#IZZY). Suddenly, it wagged, and I SWEAR I didn’t tell it to. Then the ball and chain came off, and there was a really good long walk where I met an inmate from another facility (by the name of Alice. pretty cute but a little ditzy till I put her in her place {as only the Izster can Haha!}).

Then the stupids went out (who knows why probably looking for more dogs to kidnap) and they left me out of solitary. Apparently I am getting to some kind of trusty status. Well. I considered my options for a while (chew the couch? pee on the floor? eat that goddamn plant they fuss around? check out the coffee table?) but while pondering these equally attractive options, I guess I must have snoozed off.

I DO like their couch. Here is another picture of me on it, sans ball and chain.

on the couch again, minus that damn leash

Anyhow, that’s when it happened again. When I heard their keys in the door (and I really MUST talk to them about tossing them around {they are pointy and loud and dangerous}), Bella headed off to prance and wag and I guess I was sleepy still, because suddenly there I was. Prancing. Yes.

And wagging.

So please help. Any suggestions welcome. Duct tape? Tailotomy? This latter seems rather too radical. Maybe a partial?

2 Responses to “Day Three”

  1. Linda said

    I love that this blog is sooo much in your voice (I’m talking to stupid, here, not the Izzster). Very amusing and I can hardly wait to see the little convict!

    • claire58 said

      Dear Stupidlover,

      I regret that I cannot process any requests to pass on information or feedback to the stupids. I may be a dog, and thus required to fetch and sit at their whim, but this blog is a place for my own free expression. God knows I’m not getting much opportunity anywhere else.


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