Day Four

November 12, 2009


I have a new strategy. Take a look.

happy families

Yeah, that’s me at the back behind the ‘real’ daughter, Princess Bella. As you can see, I am pretending to cuddle one of the stupids, and as you will also notice, I’m sure, she is gazing at me adoringly.


Here’s what I figure. The chow is great. There’s great walks. You KNOW what I think about the couch. Bella is pretty laid back – not big into sniffing and bouncing. I know she WANTS to frolic, but I think she gets it that I’m not really the frolicking type, if you know what I mean.

I figure, why not work the system – you know? Every day there are more concessions – today I got off-leash (inside a fenced-off field for sure, but hey…), and they’ve started letting me run down the corridor with Bella to their apartment. Bella has clued me in on the sinking-box-thing. Apparently, it’s nothing to worry about. And the sweet thing is, I get all this for nothing! There seems to be no work (at the first place, we were all expected to produce puppies…more of that later…I can’t talk about it now….).

So what if I let them rub my tummy?

So what if I let them hold my paw?

So what if they pick me up?

So YES alright! They DID! And you know what? I LIKED it!


Anyone who says I’m losing my edge is gonna lose half her nose.


2 Responses to “Day Four”

  1. Claudia said

    Hi Izzy,
    Giving up the idea of revolution and trying to change the system from within? How very Foucaultian of you! But seriously: I’m glad to hear that you’re settling in nicely (I know, I know, you’re still in control…) Do give those two a chance, will you? At least one of them has shown an uncanny ability to imagine what it’s like to be a bat so, who knows, she might figure out what it’s like to be a dog someday…

    • claire58 said

      Hi Claudia,

      What breed of dog is this Foucault?

      Must be a terrier, I’m thinking – they never give up and never give in. I’ve had quite a groundswell of support from them.

      Obviously he is not a lab.

      Foucault is a really pretty name, I guess, but if I were a stupid, I would not want to be yelling it across a large playing field on a windy day.

      Just my take on it.

      Thanks for your input.


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