Day Five

November 14, 2009

I have been rather bizzy today. You will need to check out tomorrow’s blog for very exciting news that has kept me tied up (not).

Meanwhile, in view of the mail I am receiving from other pooches, I am conducting a little online survey on food – a subject close to my heart.


So here goes? On a wuff rating of one to five, let’s have your votes for

1) kibble

2) canned dog food

3) raw meat

4) veggies (carrots etc.)

5) other (please specify)

I will publish the results here for your consumption (sic)



3 Responses to “Day Five”

  1. Mary-Ev Anderson said

    My mom insists on feeding me raw meat and veggies. It’s taken a lot of patience, but I’ve trained her to form it into croquettes and present them in a circle around the edge of a plate. The next stage is to educate her to present it on a silver platter.

    But at my pied-à-terre, the staff feeds me cooked chicken. It’s the best!

    Say, did you say ribeye? Must put that on the menu! Thanks for the pawsitive review!


  2. Amy said

    My small dogs get either white fish or chicken mashed with brown rice, and steamed carrots and broccoli. They love it and have noticed they LOVE mealtimes!

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