Day 7 (and okay, okay, maybe 8 too)

November 17, 2009

Sorry. Things have been happening. For one thing, the moms have been tapping away at their computers and I have not been able to get online. It’s a dog’s life.

For another, they have been (groan) ENTERTAINING…

I hate entertaining and I don’t want to be entertaining, or entertained. I made this quite clear by sitting grumpily on the couch when  stupids came for dinner at our house and I glared at the stupids when they came to look at me (like I might be on the menu – dogs HATE being stared at).


I do not like being looked at by stupids with their googly eyes and maudlin sentiments (such as “awwww!”).

Why can it not be just the two moms and Bella and me? I see no need for these intrusions. These NOISY intrusions. There is loud laughing and too many feet. There is ignoring me. There is loud clattering in the kitchen. There is “Oops, watch out Izzy”.

And I wanted to go in my crate and IT WASN’T THERE!!!

It got left in the bedroom and the door was shut and no-one noticed I was VERY SCARED (not that I couldn’t have bitten their noses maybe, but there was many of them).

They only finally noticed when everyone was gone, and then Joy put me in her lap and I shook. For a whole hour.

They said they were very sorry, but how do I know it won’t happen again, or maybe worse?

There could be kicking or smacking with the newspaper.

You never know….

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