Day Nine

November 18, 2009

It’s okay. I am over it the entertaining thing and the eyes with mouths, and in a weird way, I feel better for it. We all learned something, and you know, it’s hard being on your best behaviour all the time. I think we all needed to shake for an hour and get wigged out. As you know, we dogs are pretty sensitive to vibes, and I could tell the moms were waiting for me to go off, like I was a canine time bomb. They’ve relaxed since my melt down too.

Now we can kind of settle down to get to know each other a little. Life is good, but hard too in a weird new kind of way. I watch Bella and I wonder how she does it. She seems able to goof around 24 x 7. They have all these games they play with her. But me. I’m Miss Suspicious. Always watching for the other hand. I’m jumpy.

Part of me knows they’re not going to hit me, but if they did, it would be so bad. Part of me wants to do my morning dance all day.

This morning Joy kind of scooted her fingers around on the couch and I felt like a puppy – I just wanted to chase them and bite them. And I did – a bit. But it made me feel really worried – was I biting them too hard? And I did want to bite them hard and I don’t know why. It scares me.

What would happen if I let go?


One Response to “Day Nine”

  1. Lucy said

    Hi Izzy. I remember when my Mom, Judy, first wandered into a shelter and unlocked my prison. Everyone had been told that I would bite and scratch so I stayed in that cage a very long time. When Mom put me on her lap, I knew I had a new home. It was true that I got a bit too excited sometimes and drew a little blood but, in a few weeks of good food and a warm safe bed, I put my claws away and started licking the hand that feeds me (by the way,you can get good results with this). I wanted to send you my photo but I don’t know how to do that; computers are hard!!! I will admit that I am of a different species, four legs, beautiful fur coat, big brown eyes, long tail, pointy ears, a gold necklace and a dazzling smile. Forget those rumors about cats thinking they are GOD, we like to be Queen of all we survey and to be able to get our Moms to do whatever we want them to. That is quite enough.

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