Day 10 – The Cat Talks Back

November 19, 2009

Hi Izzy. I remember when my Mom, Judy, first wandered into a shelter and unlocked my prison. Everyone had been told that I would bite and scratch so I stayed in that cage a very long time. When Mom put me on her lap, I knew I had a new home. It was true that I got a bit too excited sometimes and drew a little blood but, in a few weeks of good food and a warm safe bed, I put my claws away and started licking the hand that feeds me (by the way,you can get good results with this). I wanted to send you my photo but I don’t know how to do that; computers are hard!!! I will admit that I am of a different species, four legs, beautiful fur coat, big brown eyes, long tail, pointy ears, a gold necklace and a dazzling smile. Forget those rumors about cats thinking they are GOD, we like to be Queen of all we survey and to be able to get our Moms to do whatever we want them to. That is quite enough.


Dear Kittycat,

Well it felt weird to hear from a CAT at first (*^&^WUFF&!!!) but I guess we are all the same under the fur. So welcome.

I know what you mean about the licking thing. I have being doing some heavy duty licking myself. Not only do they taste good, but I find it to be therapeutic, especially when I am feeling overwhelmed by too much love and cuddles. A good bout of vigorous licking makes me feel more in charge – like THEY are the puppies – know what I mean?

Guess what? I went all around the park with Claire and Bella – OFF LEASH! Claire was anxious about something so I stayed close and made sure to run up when she called (frankly, sometimes I don’t know how they’ve muddled along without me).

Here’s another interesting thing. At the end of the walk my feet suddenly took off and ran in circles, and since I am attached to them, I had to run in these ridiculous circles too. Can this be an instance of what Bella refers to as ‘playing’? And if playing is this kind of pointless behaviour, well why do it?

If any of you have any input here (and that includes our new kitty friends), I’m all ears (and no Papillon jokes here please, we’ve heard them).

Thanks again for writing little kit. What’s your name? And is that collar really gold?





One Response to “Day 10 – The Cat Talks Back”

  1. Lucy said

    Hi Izzy,
    My full name is “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.” Apparently Mom liked a song written by four long-haired bugs or something. It is good though because when she gets done yelling, “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds stop that this instant!” I have already become bored and moved on to some other destruction.
    I never get to go outside but it looks really dirty and wet from where I sit, so I am happy here on my ermine throne with my gold collar and crystal bowl. Visitors tell Mom that I am spoiled but Mom knows that she wouldn’t get out of bed some mornings if I wasn’t staring down at her.
    bow-wow for now,
    Lucy (for short).

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